Using Rapd Marker to Evaluate The Genetic Relationship Among Genus Lilium 用RAPD标记评价百合品种间遗传关系
Cultivation of Hybrid Species in Genus Lilium Flowers 百合花卉种间杂交种的培育
Cultivation of hybrid species in genus Lilium 百合种间远缘杂交种的育成
Lily is referred to the genus Lilium, is a perennial bulbous flowers in the world within a wide range of use in cut flowers, potted plants, greening, edible plants, use in medicinal and others. 百合是百合属(Lilium)植物的统称,为多年生球根花卉,在世界范围内广泛的被用在切花、盆栽、绿化、食用、药用等。
The two molecular markers showed that the genetic diversity was rich, the difference was significant on the level of species, and germplasm was rich in genus Lilium in China. 2. 两种标记的结果都显示我国百合资源遗传多样性丰富,种间差异明显,基因资源丰富。2分子系统学研究结果与形态分类结果部分吻合。